“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” ~ Nelson Mandela
The Real Talk Project was founded with the understanding that education, knowledge and empowerment are some of the keys to creating long lasting social change ... change that leads to a world in which we can all be free to just be.
Our work is grounded in Black Feminist thought and we deeply believe that dismantling systems of patriarchy are central to creating schools and communities free from violence. That being said, an intersectional lens is key because "None of us are free until all of us are free".
Want to know why we do what we do?!? Click Here to connect the dots with some stories and facts!!!

Amreen Karmali - Founder of #TheRealTalkProject
Photo Credit: Azul 213
We offer Professional Development, Online Courses and Individual Coaching for Schools & Educators. We also facilitate workshops for Students and Community members who are invested in creating a culture based on equality, love and thirst for diversity and can be booked for Story Sharing and Public Speaking Engagements.
Are you interested in becoming an Ally to women, non-binary and queer folks? This project focuses on how men can become agents of change. We offer live workshops, online institutes, and a 6 week online course that will transform your worldview and give you tools to create a more just society. Click Here for upcoming offerings and more details!
This project is specifically tailored to schools. Professional development workshops are offered that address ways in which racism, sexism and classism pop up in the classroom and on the playground. We also share ways in which to create safe spaces for all. Curious about the specifics? Click Here!
Sex-positive, gender-fluid sex education is possible. The Real Talk Project is centered around having positive, healthy conversations about relationships and sex. We offer workshops for elementary through high school aged youth on healthy relationships, boundaries, consent and sex positive sex ed as well as training for educators and parents around these topics. Want more info? Click Here!
Clients and Collaborators
213 Photography
Street Lenz Photography